Friday, April 22, 2011

Graduation Day.

With a post title like that you would expect me to write about how I graduate (kind of) college later today, wouldn't you?  You might expect me to write about how much I've loved BYU and all the great friends and experiences I'e had here.  You might expect me to write about besides the two years I spent on a mission, my years at BYU have been the happiest of my life.  You might expect me to write about all of that (and its all true btw), but you would be wrong.  Because today is also Friday.  And I gotta get down on Friday.  Except this weak I'll be treating everyone to the Bob Dylan Remix.  Enjoy.

Everyone hates on Rebeccah Black for how bad this song is, but as it turns out she just took it from Bob Dylan.  So blame/praise him for it.  And now I have to go look forward to the weekend.  And graduate.

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